BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — Some Idahoans apparently saw some strange objects in the sky above in 2018.
According to the National UFO Reporting Center, 42 UFO sightings were reported in the Gem State last year.
The shapes of the sightings ranged from triangles, disks and ovals. One person reported seeing an egg shape and a fireball UFO.
Duration of the sightings also had diverse ranges. Some were seen for just seconds and some lasted for a couple hours.
One of the reports in Boise stated, "I climbed to the top of the foothills by Lucky Peak to get a picture of Boise. I snapped three pictures in one minute and the middle picture had 13 grey circles in the sky only of over the city of Boise. Some were larger than other but they were all slightly blurry. They were moving incredibly fast."
(Although the video below was shot in 2016, numerous people spotted this object in southern Idaho in 2016).
Fifteen of the sightings were recorded n Boise.
"I was in a cab heading towards town when I looked into the sky and noticed a small rectangular prism. The whole object was reflective and looked metallic, almost like it was completely made out of metal," said a someone with a Boise sighting. "I didn't think anything of it so I went to check my phone. When I looked back into the sky after realizing what I may have just seen, it was no where in sight. I searched for it in the sky the entire cab ride but it never showed back up. "
A person in Shelly reported, "I looked out my apartment window and saw a very large, round UFO. It had rotating lights that changed from one color to the next. At first it stayed in one place, moving up and down, and then went behind a tree. It was very strange because I could fully see its colors through a very thick tree. It did not come out the other side of the tree.."
"I have been seeing up to seven UFO's from my house for the last two months. One is large and glowing orange and cross shape," said another person from Wallace.
While most of the sightings have been reported in Boise, Caldwell was reported to have two sightings, Twin Falls reportedly had three and Jerome had two sightings.
If you have seen any unidentified flying objects, you can report your sightings HERE.
The National UFO Reporting Center says on its site that it makes no claims to the validity of the information in any of the reports and that "obvious hoaxes" have been omitted.